
We serve in many financial fiduciary roles and they have different names and duties depending on the circumstance and the document used to nominate us. A few examples include:

Personal Representative

We accept nominations to serve as Personal Representative for estates that need to go through probate (this is sometimes called an Executor in other states). We may be nominated by a client who is creating or modifying their estate plan (this nomination is put into your Will), or by a current Personal Representative who would like to hire a professional.


We accept nominations from clients creating their estate plans who would like to name a neutral third party to serve as their successor Trustee (this nomination is put into your Trust). There are many reasons for this, including blended families, distant relatives, and more. Current trustees may also step down from their role and nominate us to manage the trust administration process instead.

Agent (Power of Attorney)

For our clients who are also naming us as their Personal Representative and/or successor Trustee in their estate plan, we accept nominations to serve as Agent under the Power of Attorney document. As Agents, we assist clients who are either incapacitated or unable to manage their financial affairs on their own. This includes paying bills and maintaining accounts while the client is living.

For current Trustees or Personal Representatives, we offer consulting services on an hourly basis. This may be helpful to clients who are out of state and need someone to handle select tasks locally, or would like assistance with some but not all of the estate administration requirements including communicating with financial institutions, beneficiaries, creditors, other estate professionals, and liquidating, managing, obtaining appraisals, or distributing property of the decedent.

Estate planning attorneys generally assist clients with the creation of their trust and beginning the funding process. There are often additional tasks to be completed by the client after documents are created and signed. We offer trust funding assistance for clients who would like support throughout this process on an hourly basis, such as contacting financial institutions to ensure accounts are transferred into the name of the trust and do not trigger a probate later on.

Fiduciary Consulting

Funding Trust Assets